11 Aug 2021
Read our bumper August Newsletter - growing membership; award achievement opportunities and so much more17 Jun 2021
(from YouthLink Scotland) The Covid-19: Guiding Framework for the safe delivery of youth work service in Scotland As of 19 July when all of Scotland moves to Level 0, the following physical distancing measures apply: no physical distancing required in outdoor settings; physical distancing of one metre in indoor settings7 Jun 2021
In our June Newsletter we celebrate volunteers and youth volunteering; share news and examples from our members of the impact of the Pandemic on practice; and more5 May 2021
Our May Newsletter includes lots of opportunities for training and engagment supporting Recovery as we ease out of Lockdown.14 Apr 2021
April Newsletter: Read about youth awards supporting attainment and employability; #DYWLive Phase 2; Young STEM Leader Award growth and more4 Mar 2021
March 2021 Newsletter - read about award record breaking award achievement; growth in award accreditation; lessons from engagement with an eLearning pilot and more3 Feb 2021
February 2021 Newsletter - read about award adaptations during Lockdown restrictions; CfE review and youth awards; training, events, and more12 Jan 2021
#YouthWorkAtHome - Updated January 2021. Activities and resources developed by Awards Network members in response to the COVID-19 #Lockdown, supporting fun, learning and youth award achievement at home. Includes links to revised award achievement and related administrative requirements where applicable. Find also links to generic guidance for youth workers on COVID and youth work activity. [Photo: https://unsplash.com/@sharonmccutcheon]21 Dec 2020
December Newsletter - read about Youth Work Skills Framework, youth award impact, National eLearning Platform, award responses to COVID, and more9 Nov 2020
The What Why and How of Youth Awards - 4 to 5pm, 18 November, 24 November, 8 December An introduction to youth awards for teachers, youth workers, CLD and others. An opportunity to explore the use of youth awards in your setting.