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Youth Scotland Youth Achievement Awards

Why this award?


The Youth Achievement Awards provide an accreditation framework to support quality work with young people. They are easy to use and can be incorporated into your existing or planned activities. The Awards follow a Plan-Do-Review process which enables young people to better recognise and describe their achievements. They are structured to recognise the responsibility young people take within the activities that that they are involved in. There are 4 Levels of the Award; Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum based on; Participation, Assisting, Leading and Peer Education. The Awards fully support the aims, values, purpose and implementation of A Curriculum for Excellence.

Who is it for?

The Awards are appropriate for all types of young person aged 14 and over, and can be used in all types of settings. They can be used within youth work settings, sports clubs, schools and colleges. In fact the awards can be used anywhere young people engage in activities that interest them.

What time commitment is required?

There are 4 levels of the Award; Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum. Time commitment increases as the level of the Award increases, beginning with a minimum of 60 hours at Bronze level, 90 hours at Silver level, 120 hours at Gold level, and 135 hours at Platinum level.

Is the award externally accredited?

The Youth Achievement Awards are Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) customised awards and are credit rated and levelled against the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) at levels 4, 5, 6 and 7 and gain between 7 and 16 Credit Points. Youth Achievement Awards are certificated by SQA and will appear on a young person’s Scottish Qualifications Certificate. The awards also contribute ‘Insight’ tariff points (7 – 136) and the Gold Level also gains 14 UCAS Tariff Points. 


Level SCQF Level SCQF Credit Points Insight Tariff Points UCAS Tariff Points 
Bronze N/A 
Silver 11 20 N/A 
Gold 14 65 14 
Platinum 16 136 N/A 

Case studies: Youth Scotland's Awards - their stories

Provider: Youth Scotland

Website: Click here

Budget: Award Fee

For Ages: 14 - 26+

Time to Complete: N/A


  • Sport
  • Nature
  • Volunteering
  • Arts
  • Music
  • Youth Work
  • Get Outdoors
  • Making friends
  • Enterprise
  • Adventure
  • Achievement
  • Develop my CV
  • Help get into College or Uni
  • Gain new skills
  • Physical Activity

Type of Involvement:

  • With Others
  • Local Community
  • On my own
  • Away from home
  • Join a group

Award Recognition:

  • Certificate of Achievement
  • To build skills and experience
  • UCAS Recognition
  • SCQF Credit rated
  • Scottish Qualifications Certificate
  • Qualifications Authority Accredited

Meeting Frequency: Ad Hoc


Contact Awards Team on 0131 554 2561, or send an email.