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Youth Scotland Hi5 Award (SCQF Level 2)

Why this award?


The Hi5 Award is a nationally recognised award for young people age 5+ that provides a means of recording and evidencing their achievements within the activities that your project or programme offers. Owned and operated by Youth Scotland, the award has been credit rated and levelled by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) on the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) at Level 2.

The Hi5 Award is based on the activities that your project or programme offers and follows a plan-do-review structure.

Plan - The young person sets themselves a challenge based on an activity or series of activities they have freely chosen.

Do - The young person completes their challenge, gathering evidence of their participation and achievements as they go.

Review - The young person thinks about, and comments on, how they performed in their challenge.

For a young person to gain an award and receive a personalised certificate, a completed challenge sheet with evidence of their participation must be provided.

Who is it for?

The Hi5 Award is for age 5+. It is commonly used as a ‘first qualification’ for young people through Primary to BGE. It offers a way of capturing the learning and benefits gained through young peoples’ involvement in your learning and activity programmes, providing evidence of participation, progression and distance travelled in a way that reflects an individual young person’s circumstances.

What time commitment is required?

The minimum time commitment required for a Hi5 Award is 5 hours of activities. This can be completed in a single session or in multiple sessions. Young People can complete multiple Hi5 Awards. There are three levels called ‘star ratings’ and the levels/star ratings are based on the cumulative hours spent on undertaking activities. The level (Star Rating) of their most recent Award is based on the cumulative hours of all their Hi5 Awards. The higher the Star Rating, the more SCQF Credit Points.

Cumulative HoursStar RatingSCQF LevelSCQF Credit Points
5+1 Star21
15+2 Star22
25+3 Star23

There is no maximum time limit; a young person can spend as much time as they choose on their Hi5 Award.

Is the award externally accredited?

The Hi5 award is externally quality assured by SQA and sits on the SCQF at Level 2. When a young person has completed their award, and it has been checked (quality assured), a personalised certificate is provided that will show their name, their challenge title, hours completed and a statement about their ‘special achievements’. The certificate will also show the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) level and credit points.

Provider: Youth Scotland

Website: Click here

Budget: Award Fee

For Ages: under 10 - 14

Time to Complete: 5+ Hours


  • Sport
  • Nature
  • Volunteering
  • Arts
  • Music
  • Youth Work
  • Get Outdoors
  • Making friends
  • Adventure
  • Achievement
  • Develop my CV
  • Gain new skills
  • Physical Activity

Type of Involvement:

  • With Others
  • Local Community
  • On my own
  • Join a group

Award Recognition:

  • Certificate of Achievement
  • To build skills and experience
  • SCQF Credit rated
  • Scottish Qualifications Certificate

Meeting Frequency: One-off day, One week long, Weekly, Monthly


Contact Awards Co-ordinator on 0131 554 2561, or send an email.