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Young People

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Youth Work

Use Youth Awards to build relations with young people and widen their horizons.

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Youth Awards help young people to enjoy their learning in school.

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Guidance for parents and carers to support our children and young people to reach their full potential.

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Recognising what young people achieve outside of the formal learning environment...

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Awards Aware

Join the community of individuals and organisations that are registering to become...v

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Case Studies

Heritage Heroes in Renfrewshire Reflect on Scotland’s Slave Trade Connections

Heritage Heroes in Renfrewshire Reflect on Scotland’s Slave Trade Connections

Awards Network Member

Heritage Heroes in Renfrewshire Reflect on Scotland’s Slave Trade Connections

Inspired by their S3 History as part of their Atlantic Slave Trade topic,…

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Stephanie’s journey of discovery with Outward Bound Trust

Stephanie’s journey of discovery with Outward Bound Trust

Awards Network Member

Stephanie’s journey of discovery with Outward Bound Trust

"I'm Stephanie and I'm from Glasgow." Stephanie is a carer for her…

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PDC - Looking Forward Not Back

PDC - Looking Forward Not Back

Awards Network Member

PDC - Looking Forward Not Back

Twenty-eight young people were trained and supported in 5 communities to conduct…

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Young Person


The Queen’s Scout Award is the top Youth Award in Scouting. The award…

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Learn more about the Awards Network

We exist to serve young people in gaining a wealth of social, work and life experience, through the awards available across the country...

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Awards Aware

Join the community of individuals and organisations that are registering to become Awards Aware to demonstrate the value that non-formal learning brings to young people, those that support them in learning and achievement, parents and carers as well as employers. Learn More.

What Awards Aware organisations are saying:

“We support Awards Aware because it is very important that Volunteers get the recognition they deserve and feel appreciated for what they do.”

Boghall Drop-in Centre

“I / we support Awards Aware because... I think it's a great program and worth the time and effort the young people put in for what they get out of it. They learn about the environment they live in and so much more team work working together and caring about the community. ”

Mark Lambert /Gullion Adventures