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Join the Awards Network

Find out about belonging to the network of #amazingthings

The Awards Network in Scotland welcomes existing or new providers of learning programmes that share our foundation principles [see below].

Being part of the Scottish network brings the following benefits:

Opportunities to learn from experienced awards providers.

Be part of a learning movement dedicated to improving learning opportunities and experiences for young people in Scotland.

Contribute to influencing positive change on learning and well-being policies and economy in Scotand.

Take part in thematic groups covering topics which include: nature, STEM, enterprise, employability, leadership adventure, rights & equalities.

Take part in quarterly network meetings and receive or contribute to regular newsletters.

Make sure that the impact you achieve is counted and evidenced as part of young people's wider learning and experiences.

Raise levels of knowledge and understanding of the important role which youth awards and programmes play supporting young people to acceess further learning, gain employment and build fundamental skills and qualities for human thriving. 

Click the numbers to reveal more information on the Awards  Network's Foundation Principles. These are the ideals which guide the work of our members

Click here to view the accessible version of this interactive content

Providers can apply to join if they have, or are developing a learning programme which aims to give young people in Scotland learning opportunities and experiences with the power to change lives.

Your award does not have to be fully developed to get involved in network activities. Full membership is granted once your award exists in 6 or more local authority areas, and subject to the approval of the Awards Network's Strategy Group.

Link here if you would like to join and tell us how your learning programmes or awards fit with our foundation principles.