4 May 2023
An opinion piece by James A. DuffyRead more about how the strategies and values of youth awards could be reflected in the revised model for Qualifications and Assessment HERE7 Feb 2023
The Awards Network believes that the totality of a young person's achievements from within and outside school must be recognised and valued. Read our Response HERE7 Feb 2023
In our first Newsletter of 2023 read findings of the Prince's Trust NatWest Youth Index 2023; A new Urban Nature Toolkit for youth workers; how Comedy supports DYW and learner re-engagement; the Awards Network's response to the Review of Qualifications and Assessment; job opportunities and more9 Jan 2023
Read in our latest Newsletter about our new video case study; the Mark Scott Leadership for Life Award at 25; Youth Scotland's #DYA at 20; CLPL opportunities; our response to the Education Discussion; and more https://bit.ly/3V8TbMk5 Dec 2022
The Awards Network supports an education system that recognises and values all personal learning achievement and calls for parity of esteem for awards and qualifications, whether whether gained through school, youth work or in other learning settings. Read our response HERE8 Nov 2022
In our November Newsletter we welcome our newest member Venture Scotland; share a link to our latest video featuring seven young people speaking about the value of youth work and youth awards to developing skills and recognising achievement; highlight ways to engage in the National Discussion on the future of education in Scotland; and so much more13 Sep 2022
The Scottish Countryside Ranger's Association (SCRA) is the latest organisation to join the Awards Network. It's Junior Ranger Award scheme, aimed at young people aged 11 to 18 who are ‘wild about nature, the countryside and conservation’, offers opportunities to take part in outdoor learning; learn more about the work of Countryside Rangers; develop new skills and experience; and spend time with others with shared interests. The Award programme operates through school groups, youth…16 Aug 2022
Newsletter August 2022 What did Results Day 2022 tell us? Where do #youthawards fit in the review of qualifications and assessment? Learn about an environmental focussed youth leadership award in Highland and more1 Jul 2022
Newsletter June/July 2022 - Read about the launch of our Amazing Things Poster, young entrepreneur award achievers, new resources for youth work and school collaboration, and more1 Jun 2022
1 June 2022Shirley Anne Somerville MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills, has launched a new Awards Network resource promoting the value of youth awards for key stakeholders in a range of contexts. Said the Cabinet Secretary: “I’m delighted to support the launch of the Awards Network’s Amazing Things Poster and welcome its distribution to every school in Scotland. Youth awards are increasingly being recognised and accepted by educators and employers as useful evidence…