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Have any questions? 0131 554 2561 contact@awardsnetwork.org


Expand Your Knowledge Become Awards Aware


Create your online account

In order to create an Awards Aware application, you must first create your online account so that you can manage your certification from time to time. If you already have an online account with the Awards Network, then you can go straight to login here.

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Recent Scheme Members

We're delighted to welcome all our recent Awards Aware scheme members — thanks for playing your part.

  • Airport House, Caithness I.S.V.T.U.
  • Lasswade High School (POD)
  • liveArgyll Youth Work
  • Coltness High School
  • Mark Lambert /Gullion Adventures

Accreditation Process

  • Register Today
  • Progress, self-paced, through online learning programme
  • Self-certify your understanding
  • Download logo, certificate and charter
  • Promote Awards Aware accreditation on your website, signs and stationery


  • Understand more about non-formal awards the young people who hold them
  • Recognise soft-skills such as leadership, teamwork, and enterprise
  • Engage a motivated and effective workforce
  • Recognise and develop potential in young people