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The Wood Foundation / YPI Scotland YPI Scotland

Why this award?

The Youth and Philanthropy Initiative (YPI) is an active citizenship programme which empowers #generationchange to make a difference in their local communities while developing a host of skills. Each participating school, each year is responsible for directing a £3000 YPI grant to a local charity through a unique programme of teamwork, research and competition. It aims:

  • To engage a full year group of participating students (S2-S6) through a curricular-based programme.
  • To develop the next generation of responsible citizens and effective contributors.
  • To develop the skills and confidence of young people through a real-life, hands-on experience of philanthropy.
  • To raise awareness of social service issues and the work of local charities, and channel funds to them effectively.

The Wood Founadtion / YPI Scotland is an Awards Network Strategic Partner. 

Wood Foundation Deputy UK Director Jonathan Christie said, 'Like the Awards Network, we recognise the contribution our YPI Scotland programme is making across Scotland, particularly nurturing non-formal learning opportunities for young people and developing essential skills for learning, life and work. This is an important aspect of YPI engagement, as young people take forward their own volunteering and youth activism beyond the formal programme. YPI’s focus on the development of young people, and the values therein, are very much shared with the Awards Network.'

Who is it for?

​Pulils in S2-S6 in participating schools thorughout Scotland.

What time commitment is required?

It is delivered within the curriculum as core activity, over an eight to 12-week period, across a full year group of Secondary School students.

Is the award externally accredited?

​Participants can secure a certificate of achievement through their school. The programme does not itself deliver a youth award, but the activities that young people will engage in can provide evidence to support achievement of a wide range of recognised and acreddited youth awards.

Provider: The Wood Foundation / YPI Scotland

Website: Click here

Budget: Free

For Ages: 12 - 18

Time to Complete: 12 Weeks


  • Volunteering
  • Youth Work
  • Making friends
  • Enterprise
  • Achievement
  • Develop my CV
  • Help get into College or Uni
  • Gain new skills

Type of Involvement:

  • With Others
  • Local Community

Award Recognition:

  • Certificate of Achievement
  • To build skills and experience
  • UCAS Recognition

Meeting Frequency: Weekly


Contact YPI Team on 01224 619862, or send an email.